Optimization of TCO - part II: Run

Data is at the heart of the banking system, so efficient (running) systems are vital to their operations. Explore how we helped a bank to optimize their jobs and data products to significantly improve the delivery of data towards the business.


A data warehouse based on the data vault technique with hundreds or sources that enables reporting  along 2 separate timelines, a necessary condition for regulators. The platform provides data to both internal stakeholders as well as European authorities


As data volumes grew, an already full run schedule became a puzzle and a hot topic: when to run what to ensure timely data delivery, whilst not impeding other activities such as sofware deployment, remedial actions and new functionality.


First, analysis took place to find the poor performers. These were further investigated to identify the main causes of the long running jobs and views. Summarized, not enough or late filtering, locking of main used tables, concept core views whose execution only grow with time, core conceptual approach on how to load non-temporal artifacts (e.g. balances) were the main culprits. A prioritized plan was created to deal with the various causes, not with a band-aid but in a way that is structural. Changing concepts leading to leaner processing, reducing TCO in short, mid and long term. It's about doing the right thing and doing things right.


Performant data products, possibility for daily reporting (new business + new business insights and value creation), relieving month-end stress


Improved perception and adoption of the reporting platform


Total runminutes reduction (and growing, compared to do nothing)


No additional investment in hardware/licenses needed and not foreseen for the next years to come. Facilitating a cloud move and leaner cloud consumption

- x.x00.000 EURO

Predictable, jobs expect to run with predictable (not growing). Additional functionality will also be more efficiently delivered


More flexibility in overall job schedule. Overall reduction in long running (failing) jobs. Dramatic drop in outages, escalations. Positive effect on System Operations activities